My name is Farzan Dehmoubed and together with my wife, we created a new bagging concept called the Lotus Trolley Bag. An all in one system of 4 bags that have rods that allow the bags to sit upright and open in the shopping cart. It makes grocery shopping easier, faster, and totally organized. There is a deep insulated bag for cold items, pockets to securely hold eggs, wine sleeves to keep bottles safe, and strong mesh bottoms to prevent spills from pooling and molding. They roll up neatly into a clutter-free, lightweight carrier and are machine washable.
The product has quickly become the best selling reusable bag system on Amazon with over 2500 Five Star reviews. Our company, Lotus Sustainables, was started with the mission to eliminate plastic from shopping. Our goal is to motivate individuals to change their shopping habits to use fewer plastic bags. And it’s working! Today, with our Lotus Trolley Bag and our matching reusable Lotus Produce Bags, we’ve helped eliminate over 400 Million plastic bags from circulation. We’ve grown from 500 to 15,000 retail stores in the last year and our goal for next year is to help eliminate over 1 Billion plastic bags.
Can you believe the average family uses over 1500 plastic bags per year? We think we can help change that alarming statistic.
Read the full story on storystarter.com