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SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE - Carlsbad couple has shopping in the bag.
Jen and Farzan Dehmoubed are now accustomed to shoppers following them through the supermarket. In fact, the Carlsbad couple enjoys the interest.
The Dehmoubeds are drawing lots of appreciative looks and gaining some customers, thanks to their new product, the Lotus Trolley Bag.
It consists of four heavy-duty reusable grocery sacks that hang like accordion files in a shopping cart. Before and after use, they can be folded up in a 2-pound over-the-shoulder carrier that resembles a yoga mat bag. See full article: here
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES - Innovative reusable grocery bag hopes to solve Australia's plastic ban.

With major supermarkets banning — and reversing — plastic bags in stores, Australian consumers need to get smart about grocery-shopping. One couple in the US has a solution to the problem, and they are hoping to bring it to Australia.
California-based couple Jennifer and Farzan Dehmoubed are the founders of the Lotus Trolley Bag, an innovative approach to the typical reusable bags that shopper carry as substitute for plastic bags. Their idea for a green bagging system was born out of necessity. [Read more]
CANBERRA TIMES - This Californian couple is tackling Australia's plastic waste problem.

The couple has created the Lotus Trolley Bag, a set of four eco-friendly and reusable bags designed to spread out like an accordion along the top of a trolley, making it easier to pack and carry shopping.
Each machine washable bag can hold more than 30 kilograms, and the set includes an insulated cooler bag, pockets for eggs and wine and reinforced double stitching.
"It's kind of like a filing cabinet for your grocery cart," Mr Dehmoubed said.
"This is more of a system than a set of bags." [..]
See full article: here